Black Agenda Report: U.S. Prepares Armed Intervention in Venezuela

Black Agenda Report: U.S. Prepares Armed Intervention in Venezuela

Listen to Ajamu Baraka speak to impending “military intervention” in Venezuela.

Ajamu Baraka, lead organizer for the Black Alliance for Peace, believes the U.S. is actively preparing a military intervention against the elected government of Venezuela. “Secretary of State Tillerson openly called for some type of military intervention,” said Baraka, an editor and columnist for Black Agenda Report. Washington fears Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro will win a six-year term in April’s elections. If that happens, “the window of opportunity for an anti-democratic intervention” will close, said Baraka.

Allow Parents the Option to Protect Kids from Military Recruiters in High Schools

Parents in our state should be given the means to exercise their right to opt out of sending their kids’ names and contact information to military recruiters.

Please click below to send this email to your state legislators and governor:


“As a constituent, I urge you to follow the example set by Maryland. The federal “Every Student Succeeds Act” contains a provision that compels high schools to provide the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all students to any military recruiter who requests the information. The law also says that parents have the right to remove their kids’ names from the lists being sent to the Pentagon, and that schools have the responsibility to tell parents that.

Only in Maryland are parents given an easy and directly presented means of opting out. The choice remains theirs, and they are empowered to make it. A right you do not learn about – or find any means to act on – is not a right at all!

Maryland is the only state thus far to pass a law that puts the military recruiter “opt-out” language on the school’s mandatory emergency contact form. As a result, large numbers of Marylanders have exercised their right to opt out.

Please make our state the second to take this step.”

Greg Gerrit On The Military

Hello, I am Greg Gerritt, a Green Party member since 1984 and a resident of Rhode Island. The State of the Union is fragile, threatened by three interconnected issues, the expansion of the war machine, growing inequality, and climate change. When the President and the Congress borrow money to give tax breaks to billionaires and prop up the fossil fuel industries and the war machine, while more kids go hungry, we deport dreamers, and the storms get fiercer, you know we are going in the wrong direction.

35 Peace Groups Demand Congress Protect Public From Nuclear ‘Bomb Threat’ Trump

Dozens of peace groups, in an open letter, are calling for Congress to back the   “No First Use” and the “Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act” to reign in Trump’s power to launch nuclear war, according to an article in Common Dreams.

“Time and time again, Trump has proven just how dangerous it is for him to have thousands of nuclear weapons at his fingertips. He doesn’t believe in science and doesn’t consult experts,” the progressive groups,  including Greenpeace USA, Indivisible, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Ultraviolet, and Veterans for Peace, write.

“There’s no better example of the unique danger Trump poses than the unfolding crisis with North Korea, where his cavalier attitude towards nuclear war puts the whole world at risk.”

The open letter calls out the fact the the majority of Americans are against Trump’s unilateral power to handle conflicts, putting the country at great risk.

To us it is clear: Donald Trump should not have the unilateral power to wage nuclear war. And the public is with us: the vast majority of Americans do not trust Trump to handle the crisis with North Korea, nor do they have confidence in his ability to deal with international conflicts writ large.

Read the article here.

Read the open letter here.

Green Party National Women’s Caucus demands passage of House bill upholding human rights for Palestinian minors and international law

Women’s Caucus condemns the brutal treatment of 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi by Israeli military

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Women’s Caucus of the Green Party calls on Congress to pass HR 4391, “Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act.”

The bill, submitted by Congresswoman Betty McCollum (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party-Minn.), would prevent the use of U.S. tax dollars for the Israeli military’s ongoing detention and mistreatment of Palestinian children.

IMG_1719-edit.jpgRecent news of Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian teenager who was interrogated and charged with assault by Israeli military forces for slapping an Israeli soldier in December and threatened with rape by an Israeli journalist, highlights the need to recognize that massive detentions and violent interrogations of minors are horrific violations of human rights and international law and need to end. Continue reading “Green Party National Women’s Caucus demands passage of House bill upholding human rights for Palestinian minors and international law”