GPAX Statement on Ukraine War

As the devastating war in Ukraine continues with no end in sight, the Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) renews its call for the U.S. to end its participation in this proxy war against Russia. It has become clear that the pro-war elements of the Biden administration miscalculated badly in their plans to make Ukraine into a NATO bulwark against Russia. Economic sanctions and vast military and financial assistance have failed to secure victory for Ukraine, and the U.S. is now cynically sacrificing Ukrainian lives to avoid political embarrassment before the 2024 U.S. elections.

By continuing to enable this war, the Biden administration is perpetuating needless bloodshed, weakening our European allies, damaging our relations with non-aligned countries, and increasing the risk of a catastrophic nuclear war. The only beneficiaries of this failed belligerent policy are the U.S. arms makers, who are reaping profits from the replacement of weaponry fed into the fires of the Ukraine war.

GPAX calls for the U.S. government to immediately commence diplomatic negotiations with Russia to bring an end to the war in Ukraine. A negotiated cease-fire should be followed by a permanent settlement that considers the interests of all parties. By pretending that the U.S. cannot end this war, and instead supplying progressively more destructive weaponry, the Biden administration is perpetuating a conflict that is costing thousands of lives and devastating an entire nation.

While refusing to enter negotiations, Biden has steadily escalated U.S. involvement, most recently by supplying artillery cluster munitions. This type of weapon has been banned by many nations because of the danger to civilians of unexploded bomblets that remain lethal for years. Adding this hazard to the huge number of landmines present in the battlefields is creating a deadly legacy for the civilians of Ukraine.

It is time for rationality and realism to return to U.S. foreign policy and for the Washington neocons who engineered the disaster in Ukraine to be removed from power. More war is not the path to peace; it will lead to greater ruin for Ukraine and greater danger for the whole world.